
顯示從 10月, 2006 起發佈的文章

Oasis Hong Kong - Air ticket for eight univeristies students

Yeah! 我有得免費去London啦! 我, 基同Wayne打算一齊出法, 暫定11月17日晚出法, 23號抵港 我想去番以前去過既 地方 , 在同一個地點映同一張相, 一定好好玩! 如果多d同學抽到就好啦, 不如我地攪個CS Final Year Tour啦


今日 EN 有測驗 , 都不知道為什麼老是這麼多測驗 , 算了 , 不要為它數算了 , 不然不是要跟自己過不去吧 . 因為沒有鉛筆的關係 , 結果又要去商務印書館 ( 城大店 ) 買鉛筆了 . 進入商務門口 , 有驚喜 ! 李天命博士又出書了 以前的中學老師介紹看他的書 愈看愈有味 結果 , 他的書我都有買過 , 有睇過 , 但就是水過鴨背 , 記得的不多 , 可是我仍然會買來看 . 原因不用多說 , 說多太廢(呢句都好癈,因為明明話多講會癈,又要打多幾字去解釋點解咁癈喎,咁又點會唔癈?) 剛看完第一個單元 , 以下都是有感的句子想和大家分享 . 有情無情浮世繪 藤條結,結越緊,時越久,即使解開了也難以回復原狀 ; 感情纏結亦然. 機器磨擦越大越多,磨損也就越多,難以回復原狀;感情折磨亦然. 聚多傷情,時間療傷. 幻想破鏡重圓,是浪費. 跳樓要顧及路人. 思之旅 ( 晶篇 ) – 殺悶思維 . 李天命 . 第六版 明報出版社 .P57, P61


同Cat姐去睇大師對象-巴黎龐比度中心珍藏展 好好睇呀, 雖然唔知佢地畫咩, 但係睇見幅畫鬼五馬六咁 我就諗.. 點解d 畫家可以用咁抽象的方法去畫畫既呢? 佢地係點睇呢個世界既呢 點解佢地咁畫呢? 佢地想表達d咩呢? 同幅畫有交流, 就係睇畫既目的 識唔識睇, 除左係知識幅畫既背景外 用想像力同去同畫家一齊去思考其實我覺得至係重要!

Different between my workplaces in 2005 and 2006

This is the workplace in the CS Project Lab, City University(2006). This is the workplace in ITD, Hospital Authority(2005).

Interview questions often asked by the employer

Enjoy the process of job interview What’s he meaning of interview? Interview can be understood by dividing 2 fragments: inter and view. Inter mean interaction; this means the interview should be conducted by more than 1 person. View, or understanding, is another meaning of interview. Employer try to understand the interviewee by asking question and finally he wan to hire one of the candidates to become his team member. Question type 1: Personal experience : Introduce yourself? How to describe yourself? Why did you choose your degree course? Your favorite course and state with reason. What do you like the most/least in your university education? What are your interests and hobbies? (Hidden questions, i.e. employer want to know the question behind this question in order to know something personal in the interviewee. Please briefly talk about your involvement in extra-circular activities? Tell me something about the projects you have done in school? [Im...

Salary Negotiation Principles

Salary Negotiation Principles http://www.jobsdb.com/HK/EN/V6HTML/JobSeeker/Resources/jobhunting/salaryNeg.htm How Much Do You Expect? http://www.jobsdb.com/HK/EN/V6HTML/JobSeeker/Resources/jobhunting/how_much.htm


啊... 患上流冒足足7日了 今天好多了... 宜家仲有少少咳啊 快d完全康復呀... 因為落後太多了... 唔可以再病啦