
顯示從 11月, 2006 起發佈的文章

Back from London

This trip is very exciting. Revisited many highlights and discovered new things. The McDonald's washing machine messed me, again! Cold weather, live in hostel, free admission in all museums and planned-route changes and many other business makes this trip unforgettable. Share with you later.


仲有24個鐘就出發啦 我要多謝同行的Wayne 同阿基 假若當日阿基無叫我send email 去apply 這張free ticket, 我估去倫敦的日期至少延後6個月! 我仲要多謝屋企人的支持 仲有大同你地 有好多人同我講一路順風喔! 不過, 順風係飛唔起架喎....


Departure time is coming... but there are still many many assignments... What can I do? Conduct the work on the plane? terrible!