
顯示從 12月, 2006 起發佈的文章

Does anyone know of a good place to get information on how to configure a netscreen for tunneling?

Does anyone know of a good place to get information on how to configure a netscreen for tunneling? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AkkVt3Z1NYKkgkqLDSQUsC4jzKIX?qid=20060911163058AAASL9y Best Answer - Chosen By Voters I'd start with Juniper's support web site at http://www.juniper.net/support and look at the NetScreen documentation and white papers and ScreenOS configuration guides. You may need to sign up for an online account first. There is also a searchable knowledge base at http://kb.juniper.net/ that might prove useful. Good luck. Beyond that I'd start Googling for "netscreen vpn tunnel" and similar to check discussion boards, etc...


這篇文章是由葉青霖BLOG中轉載的,讀後感到很有意思,藉此向各位分享~ 一位爸爸下班回到家很晚了,很累並有點煩,發現他五歲的兒子靠在門旁等他。 “爸,我可以問你一個問題嗎?” “當然可以,什麼問題?”父親回答。 “爸,你一小時可以賺多少錢?” “這與你無關,你為什麼問這個問題?”父親生氣的說著。 “我只是想要知道,請告訴我,你一小時賺多少錢?”小孩哀求著。 “假如你一定要知道的話,我一小時賺20塊美金。” “喔"小孩低著頭這樣回答著。 “爸,可以借我10塊美金嗎?” 父親發怒了:“如果你問這問題只是要借錢去買毫無意義的玩具或東西的話,給我回到你的房間並上床,好好想想為什麼你會那麼自私。我每天長時間辛苦工作著,沒時間和你玩小孩子的遊戲。"小孩安靜地回自己房並關上門。 這位父親坐下來還對小孩的問題生氣,他怎麼敢只為了錢而問這種問題? 約一小時後,他平靜下來了,開始想著他可能對孩子太兇了,或許他應該用那10塊錢美金買小孩真正想要的,讓他不用常常要錢,父親走小孩的房門並打開門。 “你睡了嗎,孩子?”他問著。 “爸,還沒,我還醒著。”小孩回答著。 “我想過了,我剛剛可能對你太兇了。”父親說著。 “我將今天的悶氣都爆發出來了,這是你要的10塊錢美金。” 孩子笑著坐直了起來:“爸,謝謝你!”小孩叫著。 接著小孩從枕頭下拿出一些被弄皺了的鈔票,父親看到小孩已經有錢了,快要再次發脾氣。 這小孩慢慢地算著錢,接著看著他的爸爸。 “為什麼你已經有錢了還要要更多?”父親生氣的說著。 “因為我之前不夠,但我現在足夠了”小孩回答。 “爸,我現在有20塊錢了,我可以向你買一個小時的時間嗎?” “明天請早一點回家,我想和你一起吃晚餐。” 歡迎您將這個故事與你所喜歡的人分享,但更重要的,與你所愛的人分享這價值20塊美金的時間。這只是提醒辛苦工作的各位,我們不應該不花一點時間來陪那些在乎我們、關心我們的人,而讓時間從手指間溜走。


今日起身有d唔舒服,一起身就係咁打噴嚏.一定係又係感冒啦, 唯有食d敏感藥. 食左無耐又訓到13:00, 之後就返CityU 聽Vicker 14:00個 Adobe Flex Seminar 啦 因為太趕我的關係只係食左個M 記麥香雞包就上堂了 啊~Adobe Flex真係好正呀. 佢可以將Flash取代XHTML同埋AJAX, 我相信呢個technology 可以為user 帶來更好的user experiences. 呢個seminar, 或者叫佢做Sharing 真係好值得聽. 完左seminar之後返Project Lab閂左部機.因為MMW building 會停電喔. 因為太肚餓食左Savina 係London Marks and Spencer 買既手信. 好好味呀, 不過當我俾cat姐食既時候佢就問左句: 會唔會又係過期架? 因為之前我係M&S買左既potato chips 真係過期架, 仲要俾左Sandy姐先知!! Savina 俾我地既朱古力... 又係過左期架, 不過都唔係好耐唧, 只係5日... 可能係佢地唔用防腐劑啦... 健康野真係抵佢賣咁貴既(快過期,成本高d) 之後去左Hanny家中參加佢地既"破"換物會. 佢地d野真係好...破呀. 阿雞送一隻香蕉... , Eric送左支超大既原子筆. Patrick抽到話要用來簽卡喎...O 左, 仲有人送 > Cross over版... 我就送出係Harrods買既糖果...同佢地o個d真係真係普通左d... 我就抽到由公子(佢係Ava/Patrick/阿狗既大同)送出的Karoro 公仔.. 雖然套公仔真係好靚, 我都好鍾意, 不過聽到Hanny話 Ava姐好鍾意Karoro 喎. 加上, 我好似未送過野俾Ava喎, 不如就借花敬佛啦, 公仔都唔係好o岩我 (我又唔係電車男!) 走o個時就送左俾Ava, 希望佢會鍾意啦, 因為我覺呢得個figure真係做得好靚喔. 個大食會食到好飽喔, Hanny 送左係Holland買既手信, 佢仲請左我地食GODIVA朱古力, 雖然Festival Walk都有GODIVA, 但我都係第一次食Go~既朱古力, 好好味呀! Ava個cake 都好好味. 同佢地無見四年啦~ 預科畢業後都無咩機會見, 希望下次會再見到面啦...

Flex workshop

http://labs.adobe.com Soundbooth, sound effect modification Apollo -> change the compiler and then export as a desktop applications. Ttp://labs.adobe.com/wiki/php/Apollo/ http://www.adobe.com/events/max/video/ Blue Man group should be mentioned. Why Flex? Non-structural – XHTML AJAX is headache Flash is not targeted for large-scale app. Tutorial: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/?tab:cookbook=1 http://www.adobe.com/devnet/?tab:quickstart=1 http://www.adobe.com/support/documentation/en/flex/ http://www.amazon.com/Adobe-Flex--Training-Source/dp/032142316X http://movielibrary.lynda.com/html/modPage.asp?ID=248

Problem faced.

Really don't understand why the same setting and same data environment would crash todays... Damn MSSQL2000... Error occur in the DB connection: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.CompleteLogin(Boolean enlistOK) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.OpenLoginEnlist(SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionSt...

5MB HardDisk

5MB HDD , weight over a tone from IBM in 1956. Remember your 2g weight 512MB SD card in your packet! More popular pictures at Popular-Pics.com

Last day in Nov., 2006

Although we are busy on submitting different assignments, we celebrated distinct Fish's birthday! We brough Haagen-Dazs birtdhay ice cream cake for him. Wishing he enjoyed the cake! Rush for the EN3262 paper and presentation, the Literature Review... modify for 3 times... terrible experiences and still working on it(now!). I will have presentation tomorrow. Lucky, unlike other groups, none form dressing is required. Feel more comfort during presenting for sure! Grant christmas tree set up in Festival Walk join hand with Swaroski, famous crytstal arts manufactor from Swiss. Very beautiful tree but not the best among the past years. The most beautiful one should be 3 years ago, also made with Swaroski crystal, but whole crystal it was!