
顯示從 1月, 2007 起發佈的文章

Meeting with supervisor

After meeting with supervisor, Dr Yuen, Geoffrey and Wah shows their view points on my project system. Firstly, Wah ask what if the URL share among the users are identical. For example, if User A save hk.yahoo.com as a Portal site and User B save hk.yahoo.com as a search engine, the URL will be duplicated in the database. Well, this is not a problem becuase, say in the YouTube system, when we search "Frilled Shark", more than 4 same vedio chips will be returned and, it indicated that the searching result is accurate. Dr Yuen suggested that one of the development approach in my stage is that, I can enhance the accuracy on the searching data among the various items in the system. Afterward, Dr Yuen asked the selling point of my project, well I can hardly tell the different, I response by saying "Well, by comparing the one man work, I do better than them as a team :p" Seriously, the furture mile stoneof my project probably support the different character, espeacially t...

Got the IELTS result

I have got the IELTS result today. I got 6.5 average. I feel quite satisfied because I paid only 3 days to prepare the Reading and Listening paper. I didn't practiced on Writing and Speaking at all. I got 7.5 in the Reading paper, probably , first of all, the paper wasn't that difficult. Secondly, I read more text books, research papers and literatures than I read in the past 3 years. I got 6 in my Listening paper, which I think I would got a bit higher because the paper is not that difficult actually. It may be the reason that I got low because, you know, the easy paper means more people got higher marks, and if you lose some marks, you got bad grade. For speaking paper, while, the topic is all about the political leader. What a damn! I didn't read much about politics... Lastly, the writing paper, the without any practice, a messy paper, still got 6, hahaha, that's fair. my brother got 7, of course, he paid more effort on it. Again, it's fair. Indeed, he's a Ap...

Bookmarket tool

http://www.bookmarklets.com/tools/categor.html Work on the bookmark system like remove the JavaScript in the viewing pages, send the searching value into the search engine etc. powered by performancing firefox

Make Poverty History

I feel sorry about this. I want to share this site with you who are reading the blog. http://www.makepovertyhistory.org/video/ powered by performancing firefox

ASP.NETWeb: The Official Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Site: Videox

http://www.asp.net/learn/videos/default.aspx?tabid=63#ajax Videos for ASP.NET 2.0 beginner and AJAX developer http://blogs.msdn.com/mattgi/archive/2007/01/23/asp-net-ajax-validators.aspx Known issue after installing the AJAX v1.0 extension for ASP.NET 2.0 ASP.NET AJAX Validators ASP.NET AJAX provides new APIs for registering script with the ScriptManager. Using these APIs allows controls to work well with partial rendering. Without them, controls placed inside an UpdatePanel won't work as expected. In previous CTP releases of ASP.NET AJAX, we had a set of validator controls that derived from the v2.0 controls and used the new APIs. This made them work well with ASP.NET AJAX. WindowsUpdate will soon include a version of System.Web that can take advantage of the new APIs. So the new controls which would have been redundant have been removed. However, the update isn't available yet and ASP.NET AJAX has been released. So, in the short-term, the source code for a set of custom val...

Data Mining 定係 Chinese Computing!?

最後一個Semester 除左OS Lecture 之外,上晒所有堂 今個semester 讀15credits FYP 有6個 . Computer Graphic (CG) ,Operating System (OS) 同 Data Mining (DM) 最Challenging 就係 Data mining… 我唔會放棄呢科 因為DM有我要知既Knowledge 而這些知識正正是我的FYP所需要的 可是我不太肯定我的CGPA會否因這科而拖垮 還是讀輕鬆點, 但同一個Time-slot的Chinese Computing呢? 魚與熊掌, 何以兼得!?

Finish IELTS speaking test

Damn it! I got the toipc about leader, Choose a political leader? How do become a leader in the team.... how to become a good leader. Although I read the book about personal development, I just partly remember some of rule to become it. And question, "you mention he, do you think the women can be a good leader too?" I just say yes they can, they can show their mother-nature to care and lead the team, Damn it! How do I know that? I just a good team player, not a leader... What will i got in my IETLS? I don't know.


星期二出左成績 , 都 okay 啦 , 宜家就要睇下 Sem B 同 FYP 個 Grade 會係點 . 由星期三起半放棄個 FYP 去做下 IELTS exercises. 都唔知考 IELTS 黎做咩 . 報左考 , 做 exercise 晒時間又學唔到野 , 仲要阻住 FYP 既進度 , 唉 … 今日考份卷既時候係咁 running nose… 有 d 仲滴左去份 question paper 度 , 仲要俾監考見到 , 勁灰 ! 份 Reading test okay 啦 , Listening 真係有 d 難度呀 , 尤其個澳洲佬 d 音真係好難聽呀 . Writing Test 1 因為無作開 , 自己都知自己寫咩 … 份卷都係凍過水架啦 , $900 幾就係無左啦 , 哎喲 … 明天仲有 Oral, 真係好 x 煩呀

Assessment result in the interim report

You got B grade for your interim report. Here is the comment from your supervisor: ------------------------------ The related work section is good and the report is well-organized. there are some minor mistakes on the formatting and the writting, the student has done a reasonbly good work Really encouraging. Need to pay more effort on the project. powered by performancing firefox

ByeBye 2006. Welcome 2-0-0-7

除夕去左同Hanny 佢地一齊去港島東登山. 好耐都無上過山啦 一上去個景都幾靚, 不過係大霧d囉. 日光日白都有一層灰灰的霧, 映出黎d相都唔係好靚. 上完山就去左筲箕灣食野, 去左以前返工食野o個度食野,okay 好食啦. 之後去左湯公子的家--駿景園打邊爐. 心想: 嘩, 我幾時可以買到呢d屋呢? 成班人係07年00:01同Ava 講左句”Ms Chan”. 就係咁, 係一個好開心既氣氛下過左我的06年了. 我完成左HA 既Placement,2月向同事拿利士:p, 5月第一次去台灣, 7 月完左 Placement再做By-census, 8 月好開心,因為o個月有12k人工(又未使交稅喎), 9月做番全職學生, 唔再返EPSON,10月同阿包分開,平靜地完結3年多的感情, 11月再一次去London, 12月返左中學見返S. 返中學之前以為會有好多野想同S講, 但係其實可以講既又有幾多? Greenwich, London條子午線都退色啦, 李克勤的 >好合題…… 06年我學左好多好多, 最重要的係學會珍惜情誼, 珍惜機會, 珍惜金錢 ,.. 07年又會係點呢, 我不知道, 我只會好好咁做好這一刻我工作: 我的FYP, 以及珍惜我最後一年的大學生涯.