
顯示從 4月, 2007 起發佈的文章

Relax Saturday

今日去左堂妹的家 因為嬸嬸要買新電腦. 新的hp很靚啊~我也想有一台呢! 旁晚回了Lab待了一會, 因為晚上跟預科我同學們gathering 有一年沒有見了, 大家都轉工的轉工, Eric 打算讀Master了, 真好!阿豆原來是班中最優秀的,可惜...不好提了. 希望下次再出來的時候可以跟大家一樣, 成為社會的棟樑呀,哈哈 gathering place: California Pizza Kitchen Mongkok P.s> 個女waitress 好攪笑, 同我地講每人唔使$200埋單 但又要我地每人放底兩舊喎, 嘩咁佢份tips 咪好利害!?

4年的U Life完了

是大學生活的最後一天了 捨不得,亦不習慣!不習慣!

University photos

The writing progress in writing report I was preparing the screen shots & presentation slides. My final report The report and I The FLEX doll climb in lab wall.


完成了FYP, 大大伙兒一起去烏絞藤行山 好辛苦呀又熱又焗 下次一定會帶多一件衫去換啊

Got the Avril Lavigne Punk-Pop party ticket, for FREE!!

上旦星期一買左Avril 隻新碟 有得抽獎, 我都唔知抽咩, 但係有著數抽到用唔著都可以bid走賺下啦~ 一個星期後的今日,收到電韶話 一把女聲傳來: F:請問是不是Victor Leung呀 me: 係我係 SonyBMG: 我係SonyBMG打緊架, 想話你知你中左Avril Lavigne既Punk-pop party ... me: (興奮)sorry 呀, 你可不可以講多一次呀... ... 哈哈~咁Lucky都有既 Yahoo!有人賣$600 一張呀 點算好呢? ref: http://www.avrillavigne.com/node/376

Finish the whole FYP

今日 個presentation 完左啦~即使個present 講得好唔係咁好, 仲算做晒d 野啦! 要好好休息一下啦. 我和我的iBook 係唔係好pro 先!? presentation 完左成班人一齊去食晚飯, 一洗這一年的頹氣!


找了一整年了~ 終於找到了 Apple Keynote 3 啦~ 又可以用iBook 來present了!!! 一定要用最好的軟件和最好的效果來present 我的FYP!! 今日仲買左Avril 的 兩年才出一碟 梗係一出即買啦!! 不過 就唔係喧 好聽.. 我最like 都只係 Keep holding on 唉, 病情無好轉, 最怕傳俾其他人 都係唔好返學啦

Report交左, 我就病左

Report交左, 我就病左 個demo 點呢? 仲有CG...

Finish reporting

Mid December, 2006 - 4 months before, I started programming my FYP... Late December 2006 - nearly 4 months before, I brough the book : The magic of Thinking Big Today I have finished the reporting. The remaining task is to proof-read the articles and make the final adjustments. Today I have read the book to the end. This book is really astonishing. The writer help reader like me how to build up courage and face the problem, treat it as challenges, and help reader to overcome it. Gathering with the book, I got courage to overcome the problems I faced during the past 4 months... really harsh days


Expresso from garden Cafe Close-look, birthday egg from Sandy Doug nuts from Cathy and Manfred Birthday cake by my sister, Yan 隨心所欲 之 無題 by Sandy Wait for the dishes, Cheers! Food - hungry.. hunger on the final presentation!?

Today is my birthday

Doughnuts from Kuspy Kreme 生日蛋 from Sandy featuring 有機農場 一人一個~ 食極都有! 今日有好多朋友同學同我celebrate 生日呀~多謝Sandy, Manfred, Cathy 的安排啊 我地一齊係CityU食PizzaHut的Pizza, 又有Kuspy Kreme的冬甩. 好亞美尼堅啊~ 參加生日會的小朋友有: Alen, Andy, Cammy, Cathy, Jacky, Jason (Jar jar), Jimmy, Kinson, Manfred, Martin, Sandra, Sandy, Sun, Tina, William, and Me (16ppl in total) (In alphabet acsending order) 係死亡4月裡又係趕FYP, 趕功課之下大家都抽空出席,真係.. 多謝晒你地呀!

New desktop in Project Lab

After April 2007 Before in October, 2006

Takagi Masakatsu - Girls

Takagi Masakatsu - Girls Sound and visual art artists http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEQV_YmhZcE Powered by ScribeFire .

Snap shots

Keep hyper by this can of RedBull - 02/04/2007 See the mouses combination: IBM PS/2 mouse + Apple USB Mouse = IBM USB mouse with scrolling wheel Macau - Church of St. Paul[St. Poon!?] -- 澳門大三巴 Vincent - play Violin to pre-celebrate birthday. Thank you!

Harsh time

Really tired these days... Powered by ScribeFire .