
顯示從 10月, 2008 起發佈的文章

What's wrong today?

2628.HK drop 9.x% Yen rise as quick as in the last 13-year high in one day! According to Bloomberg, some expert said "False selling" this morning in US properly the Hedge Fund need to redeem/refund to clients.


Want to type Chinese sadly, I seldom type Chinese character and I forgot how to type some of characters finally > Well, Last Saturday, We (indicate Ms Chan and Me) wanted to travel country side but we choose the coast side to have a relaxation moment. We chose Cheung Chau. I haven't been there for years and this time I found Cheung Chau is really a good place. Just 20 minutes journey from Central to Cheung Chau but the atmosphere is totally peaceful and make people enjoy and feel the comfort from the sea wind. We went to Cheung Po Tsai cave to seek if there is any treasury left out there. We visit a shop sells Tibet product, Ms Chan got obsession with it. She said it's value(probably related to the cheap rent on the island I thought) She brough some and I brough one for my friend, Ava Chan :p What a lovely holiday. It helps to keep my brain fresh & awake.

Shot 壹 Shot:老 黎 又 代 言

一 個 疑 似 黎 天 王 ( 紅 圈 示 ) 漫 畫 做 苓 膏 代 言 人 , 唔 知 對 生 意 有 冇 幫 助 。 讀 者 Ava Chan 提 供 圖 片 ( 攝 於 中 環 某 舊 式 茶 店 ) Shot 壹 Shot 歡 迎 讀 者 拍 攝 相 片 投 稿 , 相 片 獲 刊 登 薄 酬 100 元 。 投 稿 請 提 供 拍 攝 地 點 、 姓 名 及 聯 絡 電 話 。 電 郵 : adnews@appledaily.com


好天搵埋落雨柴. 今個月做左23.5日.可惜因為一些小問題出糧出唔足 有0.5日要係下個月先出番 錢不用多, 夠用即可 係夠用之前努力搵銀之餘 減少不必要開支 同iPhone講拜拜啦 宜家環球市況咁唔明朗 要在環球波動市中搵食真係唔易 一係唔玩 唔係都只會動用三成本金去投資 寧願錯過(如錯過在9月18日的大奇蹟日後入股國壽及近日日圓大升) 都唔好再買錯 (9月18日入紫日礦業只有$242.6的進脹 以及9月26日用29.4入國壽及用28.25出貨蝕$1414.19) 以上緊記緊記!