
顯示從 7月, 2014 起發佈的文章


每次到外地旅遊,當地人必然問起:你是從那裡來的? "我是從香港來的", "我是香港人" "啊, 中國香港" "不不不,我不是中國人,我是香港人 (I am Hongkonger. Ich bin Hongkonger. )" 要分享做中國人的光榮嗎? 別客氣,不必啦! 尤其看見強國人到處"展現" "做中國人的光榮" 我必定行開十米之外 我知道強國人看見我們能與文明公民有講有笑,享受比強國人更親切的待遇 強國人表現出羡慕又妒忌 願香港人與西歐文明同在! The speech is considered [ according to whom? ]  one of Kennedy's best, both a notable moment of the  Cold War  and a high point of the  New Frontier . It was a great morale boost for West Berliners, who lived in an  exclave  deep inside  East Germany  and feared a possible East German occupation. Speaking from a platform erected on the steps of  Rathaus Schöneberg  for an audience of 450,000, Kennedy said, Two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was  civis romanus sum  ["I am a Roman citizen"]. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is  "Ich bin ein Berliner!" ... All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and therefore, as a f...