
顯示從 1月, 2005 起發佈的文章

Past: Visual FoxPro | Today: MySQL | Tomorrow: Oracle DB

Few years ago, when i was a S.6-7 student i was taught the Visual FoxPro . Althrough I forgot all the commands in the FoxPro, I still remember the basic syntax of the SQL commands. In this semester, I need to take the course about the DataBase concept, I wish I could handle it well espeaclly in Oracle since many big enterprises use it for data mining and many resources management. I have just created the databases and tables in MySQL . It's easy and fast. I like the interface, it's more beautiful than than FoxPro in the command-line environment. NS(Nice Shoot)!

OOM Asignment #2

Assignment #2 Micro-Project ( 20% ) Tasks: You will design, implement and test a very simple program using software engineering techniques and object-oriented methodologies taught in class. The requirements or user stories will be provided to you in class. Based on the user stories, you will design your software using UML. You will then code the system using C# or Java. As part of the development, you must at least use NDoc/Javadoc for documentation, NAnt/Ant for building, NUnit/JUnit for testing, Log4Net/Log4J for logging, and any other additional tools you like. To help you schedule your work, weekly tasks will be provided in class. Read the class journal for task list. You should keep a PSP-style log of your activities. This should include weekly LOC, test cases passed, bugs found, etc. You will then write a short report to summarize what you have done and learned. For example, you can explain how you used different SE techniques and skills you learned in class, such as...

Computer Jokes

Computer Joke Customer: What P? Support: The P on your keyboard. Customer: What do you mean? Support: P on your keyboard. Customer: I'm not going to do that! P : 小解

Cathy's Diary



很掛念妳! 有很多天沒有見了, 沒有3G電話見面, 沒有ICQ連絡, 也沒有話音通話, 可明天可以用身體擁抱了. 可以安慰了. 早晚了,我的妳!

End of My position in SMS

The last few words from Y Mong is "Take care." From the point of view, there are two meaning I have got. 1. Take care and hopefully regards you get success in the coming semeter; 2. Take care and watch out with your last journey in your university live. Well, whatever. I would really thanks for her advice as below: "Stay with those really walking to the same goal with you OR you just leave them, at least in the acdematic level." It's really touching Caution! I am totally difference now. Watch out!

Database Design

Normalization 1st normal form: Getting data into 1st normal for is fairly easy. Data need to be in a table structure and meet the following criteria: - Each column must contain an “atomic” value. That means that there will be only one value per cell. No arrays or any other manner of representing more than one value will exist in any cell. - Each column must have a unique name. - Table must have asset of values that uniquely identifies the row (also known as the primary key of table) - No two rows are identical - No repeating groups of data are allowed. 2nd normal form: Removing rows tat are only partially dependent on the primary key. 3rd normal form: Finish the normalization process, 3rd normal form s concerned with transitive dependencies. A transitive dependency is a situation where a column exits that is not directly reliant on the primary key. Instead, the field is reliant on some other field, which in turn i...


睇劉德華的節目說的 我想這句真的很適合我 因為我知道今天人為什麼這樣對我 我以後才知道如何對人 對我好的人我會記住的 走著看吧 !

OOM Victor

OOM Victor



:. My Diary | My Blog .:

:. My Diary .:

My learning in Sem-Break

During the past Semester Break, I have learned: CorelDraw, Firework, Flash, UNIX command(Specailly on Mac) Setup a FTP server. Change over from Apache 1.3 to Apache 2. Setup MySQL and PHP modeule in Apache. Here is my first PHP echo "Hello world!"; ?> Really like C++, right? Nice@


係呀 這是Semester A的Professor 講架 佢話電子產品係愈做愈cheap 架 佢話佢一對會同佢個仔話唔好讀EE,CS,CE,IS,IE ... 因為無錢搵 又讀到死, 真係要讀到死O個日架!(一係累死,一係就餓死囉) 今日去黃金,見到好多野都好平 一兩年前好貴的LCD monitor, DVD-burner, Laser Printer 今日全都便宜了許多! 17" Philips (170S) $2090 FujiXero S3116 $880 Richo 4XDVD-R/8XDVD+R DVD burner $299 你說...做電子工業是多麼... 可CS也好不了多少 Trainee只有"雞碎咁多" 但人工只係同Part-time Sales差唔多 為了什麼? 你可以告訴我嗎?Alan Turning.


又開學喇 今日好忙, 由朝早10:30斷斷續續上到21:50 好彩Professor 早放 唔係就要上到22:20喇 知道了包包的成績 我放心了許多 妳要努力呀 正如溫總話齋:: 要把握好良好勢頭 努力幹下去, 為了更好地實現一國兩(下刪十萬字...) 都是一件開心事! 我真的為你而高興啊 可不要因為我一時的失意而令你的興奮減半啊 今日知道我的一位同學情場失意 我真替他氣憤! 點解女人可以咁絕情的呢!? 點解可以咁樣做/玩法呢? 我為何咁憤慨呢? 因為我知道,我了解, 所以我知道,經過這些心痛的經歷後 我們才會長大 才知道什麼是自己最需要的 我建議他可以看一看張柏芝的"十二夜" 另,今日上了很多堂 知道了我的時間表可以如何安排了 NS!

Get it over

Get it over Avril lavigne Slipping down a slide I did enjoy the ride Don't know what to decide You lied to me You looked me in the eye It took me by surprise Now are you gratified You cried to me La, la, la, la, la Don't turn around I'm sick and I'm tired of your face Don't make this worse You've already gone and got me mad It's too bad I'm not sad It's casting over It's just one of those things You'll have to get over it When I was feeling down You'd start to hang around And then I found your hands all over me And that was out of bounds You filthy rotten hound It's better than it sounds, believe me La, la, la, la, la Don't turn around I'm sick and I'm tired of your face Don't make this worse You've already gone and got me mad It's too bad I'm not sad It's casting over It's just one of those things You'll have to get...
多謝包包對我的支持 雖說一些事一定要自己去解決 有幸得你的支我才不會鑽牛角尖 也得要謝過威哥 我的toliet-mate Brian也要謝過 因為你當日借過 P S 2給我解憂 仲有Macro,Anthory,Cathy ... 等等 Y Mong經已Approve了SMS一事 她好言相勸是我不能預視的 世事豈能盡如人意,但求無愧於心.


2005新的一年又來了 我希望今年會有一份好工 同女朋友要好 和少一些天災人禍吧 Semester Break我決定學好多野 不過今次不同以往,我真的學了很多Computing 的東西 我學了很基本的JavaScript,又上左CSC開的Course 今日就完成左CorelDraw喇. 很久以前就想學的了,只是因為我懶,不肯看書 所以直到都不懂. 我打算用Apache,跟MySQL和PHP弄弄一個網頁喇 其實當初真的不知JSP,ASP,PHP,CGI ...有什麼分別 好在大表哥向我解釋了一些 我至知道他們都是做同一些動作,只是用不同的語言吧了 看過一些書後決定學MySQL + PHP, 因為以前 AS-Level 學過少少SQL, 所以希望用 MySQL 會快d d喇. 明天又要攪Mentor d野喇, 唉... 包包: 你唔好咁夜訓喇,對身體不好的 就開學了,你又要placement 我地大家又要見少d喇...