OOM Asignment #2

Assignment #2
Micro-Project (
You will design, implement and test a very simple program using software engineering techniques and object-oriented methodologies taught in class.
The requirements or user stories will be provided to you in class. Based on the user stories, you will design your software using UML. You will then code the system using C# or Java. As part of the development, you must at least use NDoc/Javadoc for documentation, NAnt/Ant for building, NUnit/JUnit for testing, Log4Net/Log4J for logging, and any other additional tools you like.

To help you schedule your work, weekly tasks will be provided in class. Read the class journal for task list. You should keep a PSP-style log of your activities. This should include weekly LOC, test cases passed, bugs found, etc.

You will then write a short report to summarize what you have done and learned. For example, you can explain how you used different SE techniques and skills you learned in class, such as coding standards, refactoring, software metrics, PSP, test-driven, etc. to improve your software writing skills. The report is free-format and can be any number of pages. The key thing is that the report should contain your own personal opinion.
In addition, you should attached the following items to your report as appendixes:

Appendix A - NDoc/Javadoc Project Documentation
Appendix B - PSP Log
Appendix C - NAnt/Ant Configuration
Appendix D - NUnit/JUnit Test Cases
Appendix E - NUnit/JUnit Test Results
Appendix F - log4net/log4J Configuration
Appendix G - log4net/log4J Sample Output
Appendix H - UML Design Diagrams

What to Hand In:
Softcopy of your report in MS Word or PDF format.

21-Mar-2005. Click here to submit final version.

Extra credit for the first 10 to hand in assignment. Check grading scheme for details.
How will it be graded?
Who has submitted their homework?
Is there an FAQ?
Where can I get more information?
How did we do in this assignment?





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