NUnitASP and MS App. Center Test 1.0

NUnitAsp - ASP.NET unit testing

Breif introduction:
NUnitAsp is a tool for automatically testing ASP.NET web pages. It's an extension to NUnit, a tool for test-driven development in .NET.

Once you have an automated suite of tests, you'll never go back. It gives you incredible confidence in your code. That confidence allows you to code much faster, because you can make risky changes secure in the knowledge that your tests will catch any mistakes.

NUnitAsp is for unit testing ASP.NET code-behind only. It's meant for programmers, not QA teams, and it's not very good for QA-style acceptance tests. It only tests server-side logic. JavaScript and other client-side code is ignored. But if you're using ASP.NET, it's an essential part of your programmers' toolset.

NUnitAsp is freely available under the MIT license.

Installation Guide:

TDD with NUintASP - NUnitASP tutorial:

NUnitASP - QuickStart for advanced users
Microsoft Application Center Test 1.0, Visual Studio .NET Edition

Breif introduction
Before You Begin

Welcome to the Microsoft Application Center Test product documentation. Click on one of the links below to go to the appropriate section of the documentation. You can also use the table of contents, perform a search, scan through the index, or use Favorites to find topics that you have placed there.

This section includes:
1. Release Notes
2. Purpose of Microsoft Application Center Test
3. Features by Edition
4. System Requirements
5. Installing Microsoft Application Center Test
6. Uninstalling Microsoft Application Center Test

See Also:
7. Creating Tests

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TestRunner for NUnit for .NET

Breif introduction:
TestRunner seamlessly integrates NUnit testing and debugging into a compact Visual Studio .NET 2003 add-in.

Integrated Testing

NUnit testing is the standard for automated unit testing in .NET. The basic NUnit tools are, however, very primitive and require leaving the Visual Studio .NET environment to use them. TestRunner streamlines your testing by moving NUnit testing into a first-rate plug-in without changing your test code. This replaces the use of NUnit GUI as the test runner for your test cases.




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