Avril Lavigne The Best Damn Thing - Punk-pop party Hong Kong

Avril Lavigne The Best Damn Thing - Punk-pop party Hong Kong
買左佢隻CD, The Best Damn Thing抽到免費票睇Avril的表演
睇左30分, 真係好感動
唱左新歌: The Best Damn thing. Girlfriends. Everything back but you. I can Do better. I don't have to try. (Don't remember if there is any Innocence!?)
唱左舊歌有: Sk8er boy
全程掛住映相, 仲有就係... 香港Fans 無咩氣氛喎好似
我估Avril 都有d無引...

唔係好夠喉.8月18日係Asia World Expo再開個唱,
Before the performance started

Avril[RHS wrt us] and her friend, Evan Taubenfeld wiki[most LHS]
He wrote the songs in the previous album like 'Don't tell me', 'Take me away' which are my favorites. Evan co-wrote four songs with Avril's for her third album The Best Damn Thing. The tracks include 'Hot', 'Innocence', 'One of Those Girls', and 'Contagious'. I love Innocence as well.

Cool! The real Avril!

Her singings like what I hear from CD

Fans got crazy for her

Seems she's enjoy on the stage.

I was there and here's the proof!

CD Album cover from iTunes [before release]





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