


Many misconceptions about personal finance could leave you out of pocket if you acted on them. Emma Tyrrell and Liz Dolan give us a reality check


Person holding money for 50 myths about money

Many people don't give much credence to the saying "see a penny, pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck". It's one of many myths that don't ring true. You could add "money doesn't grow on trees" or that it burns holes in pockets to the list, too.

Most myths are harmless, but some are potentially dangerous: believe them and you could end up out of pocket. So we have come up with 50 myths about money.


Elderly couple


1. I'm too young for a pension

Most of us don't start taking pensions seriously until we reach our mid-thirties, according to research from HSBC.

Only ten per cent of 16 to 24 year-olds, and just over half of 25 to 34 year-olds are paying into a pension, with the rest believing they are too young to worry about it. But the consequences of delay are serious.

A 21 year-old paying £75 a month into a stakeholder pension could retire at 65 with a fund of £337,000, which could buy a pension of £12,700 a year. If he failed to start contributions until he was 30, his fund would only grow to £171,000, buying a £6,470 pension.

2. I don't need a pension: I've got a house

Given all the fuss about pension fund deficits, bust company schemes, lousy investment returns and plunging annuity rates, it's hardly surprising that so many people have lost faith in pension plans.

What is much harder to understand is why so many people believe that investing in their homes can be viewed as a viable substitute. It remains to be seen how many of Britain's growing army of buy-to-let landlords and small-time developers can generate enough debt-free cash to pay for a comfortable old age.

Some will, some won't, but at least the underlying strategy makes sense. Hoping to use a home as a pension makes no sense at all. The average property may be worth a small fortune (around £200,000) compared with the average retirement fund (roughly £25,000), but you still have to live somewhere.

Few have big enough homes to fund both a decent income and acceptable accommodation for life, especially in these days of galloping life expectancy.

3. My work pension is guaranteed

Company schemes are better protected than they were a few years ago, and are a lot safer than the days when Robert Maxwell stalked the land. But there are still very few guarantees.

Since April 2005, members of defined benefit (final-salary) schemes have been able turn to the Pensions Protection Fund for help if their employer goes bust.

But, although existing pensioners incomes are paid in full, people who have yet to retire get 90 per cent at most, and extra benefits, such as widows' pensions, may be reduced, or even scrapped. PPF rules are not set in stone and may change at any time.

The value of a defined contribution (money purchase) pension fund cannot be guaranteed as it is dependent on the investment skills of those managing the fund, and on the state of global investment markets.

The pension itself is not provided by the employer, but by an annuity bought with the individual's pension pot on retirement. So your income in retirement is dictated by annuity rates at the time you take it out.

Annuity funds are ring-fenced and should, if properly funded, provide a guaranteed income for life. It remains to be seen how well the annuity industry will cope if life expectancy continues to grow at its current rate.

4. I have to buy an annuity when I retire

You are not compelled to buy an annuity as soon as you retire If you have a big enough pension pot an unsecured pension (USP) allows investors to leave the bulk of their pension fund invested until any time up to age 75, at which point they must buy an annuity - unless they take the Alternatively Secured Pension route.

The ASP is unlikely to be a suitable route for many as there is a potentially nasty tax charge of 82 per cent.


Man looking through an estate agent's window


5. Interest-only mortgages make homes more affordable

An increasing number of homebuyers, especially first-timers, opt to pay only the interest on their mortgages and nothing off the capital.

The big problem with interest-only mortgages is that allow you to fool yourself into believing you are buying a home, when you're really only buying the difference between the purchase price and current value.

Any increase will reduce the debt, but will do nothing to strengthen you position on the property ladder. But any fall in value could leave you with negative equity, leaving you with even more to repay.

Lenders used only to sell interest-only mortgages alongside investment plans that were supposed to repay the capital on maturity. As we now know, the projected returns were often over-optimistic, but, at worst, the bulk of the debt will still be repaid.

Nowadays, the best plan is to switch to a repayment mortgage as soon as possible. If you can't afford to do so, you can't afford the property. It's as simple as that.

6. Fixing the interest rate for the life of your mortgage is better than a series of short-term fixes

Gordon Brown is a great fan of long-term fixes, partly because they cushion homebuyers from nasty shocks and partly because they deprive the mortgage industry of a fresh injection of renewal fees every couple of years.

He may also hope that, if they become the norm, the media will be less inclined to come out with headlines like "More misery for homeowners" each time the Bank of England increases its borrowing rate.

Such products already exist, but few homebuyers have so far proved willing to lock themselves into the same rate for five years, let alone 10, 20 or even 25 years.

A report commissioned by the then chancellor a few years back blamed unattractively high rates for this unpopularity, but lack of flexibility is a more likely reason.

Anyone locked into a 20 year fix in 1998, when the base rate stood at 7.5 per cent, would have been in despair five years later, when the rate had more than halved to 3.5 per cent.

It has since risen to 5.75 per cent, but there's now talk of a further fall. Meanwhile, our hapless homebuyer's hands are still tied by a hefty early repayment penalty.

7. Flexible mortgages cut the cost of buying a home

Flexible mortgages allow you to make extra repayments on your mortgage as and when you want.

Each extra payment reduces the debt, with a commensurate reduction in interest charges. If you pay enough off for long enough, you could lop years off the total repayment time, and thus save thousands of pounds in interest.

It's a particularly good idea for people with an irregular income and a more rewarding alternative to a regular savings plan. Unfortunately, a lot of people never actually get round to making overpayments. And even many of those that do are inclined to borrow the money back at a later date for holidays, cars etc.

This gives them access to cheap credit, but does nothing to cut the cost of home buying, Some lenders set limits on the amount that can be re-borrowed, but others stipulate only that the loan must be repaid in full by a certain date – a temptation for the undisciplined to saddle themselves with a debt they can't repay.

8. A shortage of housing supply means property prices cannot fall

The UK has a massive housing shortage. More than 223,000 new households are expected to be formed this year, but we are only building 185,000 new homes a year.

But property prices will only remain high so long as supply is outstripped by demand. If something happened to dampen that demand – for example interest rates shooting up to unaffordable levels, or unemployment levels increasing dramatically – the situation could change.

And if mortgage repayments rose to the extent that large numbers of homeowners were forced to sell up or see their home repossessed, that sudden increase of housing supply could only exacerbate the situation.

But while property prices could fall, experts do not believe it is likely as long as employment levels remain high.

Savings & Investment

FTSE 100


9. Active funds outperform tracker funds

When stockmarkets are falling, an efficient tracker fund follows them down, while an active manager can in theory buck the market.

When markets are rising, that job is harder, but a good active fund manager can add value. That's the theory. The reality, as even world-famous investor Warren Buffett admitted recently, is that a cheap index tracker will beat most fund managers over the long term.

Active funds tend to charge annual management charges of 1.25 per cent and up, while trackers typically charge 0.5 per cent or less. Yet thousands of active funds fail to beat their benchmark indices over the long term.

Worse, some are even "closet trackers", following an index while charging active management prices.There are fund managers who have consistently outperformed the market, but they are a minority.

10. A tracker fund tracks the index

It's fair to assume a tracker fund will always under-perform its index, by roughly the level of its charges. But tracker funds are not as straightforward as they seem, and their "tracking error" can vary quite dramatically.

Some are full replication funds, where the manager holds every stock in the index and buys and sells to match its weighting in the index.

This method, often used for FTSE 100 trackers, is let down by the high dealing costs involved in all that trading.

For bigger indices, fund managers use "sampling", buying the biggest shares and then replicating the rest by buying shares typical of their sector.

If they get it wrong the "tracking error" can be substantial.

11. You can't lose money with premium bonds

Everyone loves premium bonds. Not only do you get 24 chances a year to become a millionaire, plus thousands more to win lower amounts,but – unlike other forms of gambling - you also get to keep your stake, which you can cash in at any time.

In practice, most people hang on to the money for fear of missing out on £1m in the next prize draw. When the money is finally withdrawn, often not until the bondholder has died, will almost inevitably have been ravaged by inflation.

Worse, says Martin Lewis of moneysavingexpert.com, four in five of those with the £30,000 maximum holding can expect below-inflation returns in any one year.

Annual earnings are said to average 4 per cent. But, as Lewis says, if 1m people pay £1 for the chance of winning £1m, you could say the average prize is £1 – even though 999,999 people get nothing. Premium bonds are for gamblers.

If you care about decent annual returns, stick to the best-paying savings accounts

12. You can time the market

Research from Fidelity shows that the longer you leave your money invested, the less likely you are to lose money.

If you invested £1,000 in the FTSE Allshare in 1992, it would have grown to £4,612 by the end of June 2007. If you'd missed the best 20 trading days, you would have just £2,212.

Trying to time the market runs the risk of missing those best days, as they often happen during the toughest times. On 12 March 2003, for example, the UK market fell by 4.3 per cent, but the next day it rose by 5.2 per cent.

Either invest your money for at least ten years and try not to worry about it, or drip-feed it in via regular savings, reducing the impact of market volatility.

13. Corporate bond funds are low-risk investments

Corporate bonds are effectively IOUs issued by companies to raise money. They pay a fixed rate of interest over a fixed term, which is why they are commonly sold as "low-risk" investments. But, the term can be misleading.

For instance, while the income may be fixed, the price is not. A holding bought two years ago, for instance, is likely to be worth a lot less now as bond prices have plunged over the past 18 months.

That's fine if you can afford to hang on for recovery, but not if you need the money now – or indeed are likely to do so in the next few years. In addition, corporate bonds are only as safe as the company that issues them.

This is reflected in the interest rate: the greater the perceived financial strength of the issuing company, the lower the income you receive, and vice versa.

Again, this isn't a problem if you know what you're doing, but it can be a massive problem if you are attracted by an unusually high rate of interest without understanding the underlying reasons.

Most ordinary people invest in corporate bond funds, which obviously helps to spread the risk. But different funds still follow different risk/reward strategies and it's important to pick one that meets your needs.

14. Blue chip shares are low risk.

No. The value of blue chip shares can fall sharply – you only have to look at Northern Rock fall from grace.

15. I'll start saving when I have enough money

It's never too early to get the savings habit, and the sooner you start, the longer your money has to grow.

High-paying savings accounts are available with minimum investments of £1, while unit trusts and Oeics offer savings plans from as little as £20 a month.

But despite grand resolutions at the start of each year, Alliance & Leicester says half of those planning to save say they will put money aside when they can afford it, rather than committing to a regular payment into a savings account or investment fund.

Nearly one in three British adults saved nothing in 2006, according to the bank.

16. I have a savings account so I'm earning money

Not necessarily. If you have debts at a higher rate of interest than you earn on your savings account, you could actually be wasting money.

You may well need a rainy day fund to pay for emergencies, such as car repairs, or a new boiler. But beyond that, the money would be better spent paying off any credit cards, store cards or loans.

If you're a higher-rate taxpayer earning 6 per cent gross savings interest, you will be earning £360 a year interest after tax for every £10,000 of savings you have.

If you used that £10,000 to pay down a 15.9 per cent credit card debt instead, you'd save £1,590 interest, making you £1,230 better off.

17. Buying in the sales saves you money

We all like to congratulate ourselves on getting a bargain. But whether it's a new TV or trolley loads of cheapo clobber, it's only a bargain if you really need it, or if you would have bought at full price anyway.

Buying something you don't need, and have only been tempted into by a 50 per cent off sticker, doesn't save you money, it costs you money. Doh!

18. Shares are the best hedge against inflation

Financial advisers are wont to guide clients into equity-based products on the basis that share prices have always outperformed all other types of investments over the longer term.

19. Fixed-rate savings bonds are a good hedge against falling base rates

If you fix the rate paid on your savings and the prevailing savings rate falls, you are obviously quids in. Unfortunately, the opposite is much more likely.

This is because banks and building societies tend to issue fixed-rate bonds when the money markets are predicting further rate rises.

This is primarily because the underlying cost of providing the guarantee is lower at such times than if rates are expected to fall. Of course, the markets aren't always right and you could still end up on the winning side. But you're normally better advised to keep things fluid.

20. Buying funds direct from the fund management company is the cheapest option.

No. It is the most expensive option and could cost you up to 5 per cent.

The cheapest way to buy a fund is via an online fund supermarket or a broker. They often offer discounts - sometimes there is no charge to pay.

21. Guaranteed equity bonds offer all of the benefits of stockmarket investment with none of the risks

GEBs are savings plans whose returns are linked to the performance of one or more stockmarket indexes over a set period.

They are sold as risk-free because you are guaranteed to get back at least as much as you put in. Some plans are more generous than others, but all have certain restrictions. restrict returns in various ways.

Some set limits on the amount you receive if the relevant stockmarkets rises strongly over the period. And, although the initial capital is always returned, few plans add a bit extra for inflation (although some pay more).

If shares soar at the outset and then fall back again, you get none of the upside and all of the downside. People who invest directly in shares can lock in profits by selling after a strong rise, but GEB investors have to wait for the end of the term.

The biggest drawback of all is that GEBs never include dividend income, which might be as much as 40 per cent of the total gain enjoyed by direct investors.


Man taking money out of a cash machine


22. My bank is best because it pays the highest rate on current accounts

Current accounts should be treated as temporary holding accounts for money you are planning to spend during any one month.

Anything left over should be transferred to a savings account, thus minimising the temptation to spend more than you have to.

It therefore makes a lot more sense to judge banks by other criteria, such as charges, extra services and the way you are treated by staff.

23. I can't use my Natwest card at a Barclays ATM

Oh yes you can! In the old days, the banks limited ATM access to their own customers and those of certain other banks.

For instance, Barclays customers could also use ATMs operated by Lloyds TSB and Royal Bank of Scotland but not by NatWest or HSBC.

This was particularly annoying for people whose bank or building society provided only a small number of cash machines. Nowadays there are no such restrictions. You can use any ATM you choose.

You won't be charged for using ATMs operated by members of the LINK organisation – which means pretty well any bank or building society. But you will have to pay for using one of the non-LINK machines, Charges must be displayed on-screen before you begin the transaction.

24. Paying my bills my direct debit is cheaper

It is with utility bills but drivers paying their car insurance by direct debit risk paying over the odds for the convenience.

According to MoneyExpert. com , the price comparison website, 11 out of 12 motor insurance policies charge consumers interest if they choose to pay their premium by monthly direct debit and the average APR is 22.7 per cent.

On an average annual comprehensive policy costing £806 this will mean an extra £182 on top of the premium quoted.

25. Withdrawing cash from an ATM abroad is free

Most credit and debit cards typically incur a 2.75 per cent loading fee outside the UK.

However, Nationwide and the Post Office charge no fees.

26. I can't switch my bank account to another bank because I am overdrawn

Banks love people who are consistently in the red as they are likely to be a lot more profitable than people who never borrow money.

The only reason why the bank may refuse to accept you as a customer is if it has very good reason to believe you will never be able to repay the money.

27. If my bank or building society goes bust, 90 per cent of my savings are protected

If a building society or bank collapses, the first £2,000 will be returned in full, plus 90 per cent of the next £33,000. These limits apply across the board, not to individual savings accounts.

If the bank is part of a group – for instance, Halifax, Bank of Scotland and Intelligent Finance are all part of the HBOS – you may also find that the compensation limits apply to all accounts held with any members of the group.

The limits have remained the same for a number of years and are hopelessly inadequate. Attempts by the financial ombudsman to get them raised to more more sensible levels have so far failed.

If you have a substantial amount with this particular building society, you should consider moving some of your savings to at least one other institution.

Borrowing and debt

University students


28. Student loan repayments are crippling

A recent survey of sixth-formers by the University of Greenwich found that on average they expect a graduate earning £16,000 will have to repay their student loan at a rate of £70.75 a week – out of a take-home pay of £244.41.

In fact, on that salary your student loan repayments would be just £1.73 a week. Student loans are, in real terms, interest free, as they only accumulate interest at the same rate as inflation.

You start paying back the money the April after you finish your course, but only if are earning over £15,000, and repay 9 per cent of your income over that level, until the balance is paid off.

29. I've solved all my debt problems by consolidating them all into one loan

Debt consolidation agencies are the scourge of the heavily indebted. It may sound like a good idea to take out a single loan rather than having to pay a host of different creditors, but it's not.

To start with, by consolidating your debts, you have repaid all your creditors at the same time and now owe the whole lot to one company.

This means you are no longer able to prioritise your debts, which would have allowed you to concentrate on the most important, such as the mortgage or council tax.

If you had consulted an independent, fee-free debt adviser (such as you local Citizens' Advice Bureau) before doing anything, you would have received help with drawing up a repayment plan and negotiating deals with individual creditors.

You should still do this, but it will be that much harder for them to help. Second, while many of your previous loans will have been unsecured, your new one is likely to be secured on your other assets, most importantly your home.

This means that, if you are unable to make payments, you could lose everything, including the roof over your head.

Third, although your monthly payments may be lower, the term of the loan is likely to be a lot longer, which means you will end up paying a lot more interest than you would previously.

30. A bad credit rating stays with you for life

There are three credit reference agencies, Callcredit, Equifax, and Experian, which store information on county court judgements (CCJs), bankruptcies, repossessions, and applications for credit.

Missed credit repayments stay on your credit report for 36 months, while CCJs are held on file for six years. If you have paid the debt within one month of the CCJ, you can ask the court to remove the details from your record.

Discharged bankruptcies also stay on your record for six years, unless you have a bankruptcy restriction order made against you, which lasts for 15 years.Beware of companies offering to repair your credit record for a fee.

You can do the same yourself for nothing – the credit reference agencies can tell you how.

31. The more credit cards you apply for, the better your credit rating

Having no credit – no cards, overdraft facility or loans – can make it hard to get credit, as lenders will find it hard to assess your credit-worthiness.

However, applying for multiple credit cards can actually damage your credit rating. Each time you make an application for credit, it leaves a footprint on your credit report.

An unusually high number of applications might suggest that you are trying to take on too much debt, or make a lender think you are a victim of identity fraud.

So, when you are shopping around for credit, make sure you ask lenders for a "quotation search", rather than making full applications.

32. An IVA won't affect your credit rating

An Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) is a binding agreement between you and your creditors, over how you will repay outstanding debts, and is often seen as an alternative to bankruptcy.

But just like bankruptcy, an IVA appears on your credit file for at least six years, marking you as a high-risk customer, and making it more difficult for you to get credit.

If your agreement with your creditors lasts for more than six years, then the IVA will stay on your credit report for as long as the arrangement lasts.

33. Cashback credit cards save you money

This is true – if you pay your bill off every month, in full. If you don't, and you're incurring interest and penalty charges, then that 0.5 or 1 per cent cashback is just a sad little sop to stop you finding what you really need – a 0 per cent credit card.

Another way to waste money, while still feeling like you're saving, is to increase your spending in order to pass the limit at which your credit card starts paying a higher-rate of cashback.

34. Consolidating your credit cards and loans onto your mortgage saves money

It can certainly cut your monthly outgoings, and mean that you only have one creditor to deal with, rather than several smaller ones. The interest rate charged on the new combined loan may well be lower than you would have been paying on your previous debts. However, as many consolidation loans tend to be long term, you can end up paying more interest in the long run. Another problem is that the loan will be secured on your property, meaning that you now face the extra risk of losing your home if you can't keep up with repayments.


A couple on holiday


35. I have free travel insurance through my credit card

The free travel cover provided on most credit cards is actually "travel accident insurance", which will usually pay out only if you suffer an accident while travelling to or from your holiday destination, in very limited circumstances.

Proper travel insurance policies should cover medical expenses, repatriation costs, personal liability and cancellations.

Such comprehensive cover is available free on some premium credit cards, but as they charge annual fees of up to £300, you will be paying for it one way or another.

Barclaycard and Co-operative Bank do offer proper travel insurance free to ordinary card customers, but only if they buy a holiday through the card company's travel service, and use their credit card to pay for it.

36. The best insurance policy is the cheapest

As witnessed by the recent explosion in rate-comparison websites, most people pick insurance policies by price alone.

Few give the policy terms more than a cursory glance before signing up; some don't even both to do that. You may believe that one policy is pretty much the same as another.

Not so. They can vary quite considerably, and you normally get what you pay for. A low price can mean you have to pay a large chunk of the claim yourself, either because of a massive excess or because the maximum payout is totally inadequate for your needs.

You may have to do without a courtesy car, or alternative accommodation if your home is flooded. You may end up with nothing at all because you have failed to spot the long list of unreasonable exclusions, or have missed an arbitrary deadline.

And policy details are only part of the story. Some insurers reclaim the costs of cheap premiums by cutting back on staff numbers or training, or by fighting every claim, or delaying payment for months.

Of course, the low premium may simply be a loss leader to drum up business, in which case you've probably secured yourself a bargain.

The best way to choose a policy is through personal recommendation or, failing that, by consulting an insurance broker who knows his stuff.

37. Red cars cost more to insure

This probably started as an urban legend, possibly in the US, but is complete nonsense.

Although Churchill Insurance put together a "Colour Crash Index" in 2004 which did reveal a direct correlation between car colour and accident frequency, red cars were well down the list of most accident prone, after black, silver, green, yellow, blue and grey.

In any case, neither Churchill nor any other insurer takes car colour into account when deciding your premium.

Interestingly though, red auto paint is more expensive than other colours, making bodywork repairs pricier.

38. I can get good value insurance from my travel agent

Unlikely. Travel agents have long been lambasted for offering expensive travel insurance and you are better off surfing the internet for a better deal.

Since 2005 the sale of travel insurance policies has been regulated by the Financial Services Authority, but policies sold as part of a package holiday by a travel agent or tour operator do not fall under the FSA regime.

The rules mean that anyone selling insurance has to ask certain questions to check the suitability of a policy.

Last year Which?, the consumer champion, accused some travel agents and tour operators of mis-selling travel insurance.

39. I'm too young for life insurance

You may be young, but you're probably not immortal.

As soon as there is someone who depends on you financially, you need life insurance. That may be a partner who you share a mortgage with, a spouse, or children – anyone who would struggle for money as a result of your death.

Yet according to Virgin Money research, 27 per cent of parents think they are too young too have life insurance, despite being old enough to have children. A 35-year-old non-smoking male can get £100,000 of life insurance cover from as little as £7 a month.

40. Life insurance is more important than critical illness cover

You are actually five times more likely to suffer a critical illness than you are to die before age 65, as heart attacks and cancer are more survivable than ever before.

Most people who contract multiple sclerosis are aged between 20 and 40, and half of all testicular cancer cases show up in men under 35.

Contracting a serious illness like this can mean you need expensive nursing care, drugs, or equipment, and may also limit your future earning potential.

Critical illness insurance can help with these costs, paying out if you are diagnosed with one of a list of specified illnesses. It can be very expensive, however.

41. Suicide isn't covered on life insurance policies

Most life insurance policies do have suicide clauses, designed to stop people who already plan to take their lives from taking out huge amount of cover, and then killing themselves in order to extract their families from financial problems.

However, these generally only exclude claims for suicide within the first 12 months of a policyholder taking out the cover, and insurers will usually pay up on suicides after that point.

In addition there is often an exception in the first year if the insurance has been taken out to cover a mortgage and can be paid directly to the lender.


HM Revenue & Customs


42. Only the rich suffer higher rates of tax

In 1997, 2.1 million people paid higher-rate tax at 40 per cent.

Ten years later the number had risen to 3.7 million, thanks to Gordon Brown's love of "fiscal drag". This is the phenomenon where tax thresholds, which have gone up in line with inflation, fail to keep pace with average earnings.

Many of the workers who now fall into the top-rate tax brackets include senior nurses and senior ambulance and fire service officers, as well as university lecturers.

In 2007-08, anyone earning more than £39,825 could be liable for higher-rate tax. The threshold is to rise to £43,000 from April 2009, but the

Treasury will claw back the money by widening the band at which 11 per cent National Insurance is paid.

43. I don't need to make a will because I'm leaving everything to my husband

On the contrary. If you die without making a will, your husband is quite likely to end up having to share your estate with other family members.

If you leave more than £125,000, and have children, he is entitled to £125,000, plus interest on half of the balance – but not the capital itself.

The children inherit half the remaining capital immediately, and the other half when your husband dies.

If you don't have children, your husband gets the first £200,000, but only half of any remaining capital.

The other half goes to various relatives in the following order: your parents; siblings; grandparents; aunts and uncles.

44. My wife will get my pension when I die

Your wife may be automatically entitled to your pension fund if you die before converting it into a pension.

However, scheme rules differ and it is always advisable to make your wishes clear to the trustees – especially if you want the money to go to someone else.

When it comes to the pension itself, if it is linked to your final salary, your wife is likely to be entitled to a proportion of your pension, but not the full amount.

If your pension is provided by an annuity, and you want your wife to continue receiving an income after your death, you will have to pay for it at the outset – normally by sacrificing part of your pension fund.

45. I don't need to worry about inheritance tax, because I am leaving everything to my spouse

It is true that there is no IHT to pay on assets transferred between spouses, or those in a civil partnership. But this doesn't mean you should ignore IHT completely if you have assets exceeding £300,000.

If you want as much as possible to end up in the hands of your children and grandchildren, you need to ensure both spouses make the most of their individual nil-rate bands.

This will ensure that up to £600,000 is passed on to heirs tax-free, rather than just the £300,000 that will be utilised on the death of the second spouse.

Remember too that this exemption only applies to married couples, or those in a civil partnership.

Co-habitees enjoy no such exemption, regardless of how long they have lived together or how many children they have.

46. If I give away my home and survive for seven years I don't have an IHT problem

Theoretically this can work, but only if you pay a market rent on your home while you continue to live there. If you live there rent-free, then this is considered a "gift with reservation'' by HM Revenue & Customs, which will not make it exempt from IHT.

In practice, even if you pay the correct rent, this is seldom a tax-saving move. Many older people are asset-rich but cash poor; so paying rent on their own home would seriously impact their standard of living.

What is more, the beneficiaries who receive this rent will have to pay income tax on this money. They are also likely to be subject to capital gains tax if they sell this home after your death, as it is not their primary residence.

This means they have to pay CGT at 40 per cent on any gains in the property's value from the day it was given them, to the day it was sold.

So the potential tax saving for your heirs may be negligible, but the cost will be significant.

47. If I give money away, the taxman can't find out about it

Oh yes, he can. And HM Revenue & Customs has the power to prosecute and fine executors - and potentially beneficiaries - who fail to declare lifetime gifts on the appropriate IHT form.

Julie Hutchison of Standard Life says recent statements have made it clear that the Revenue intends to step up investigations, and clamp down firmly on any incidents of tax evasion.

Under current rules, you can give away money or assets, and provided you live for more than seven years after making the gifts, they are not included within your estate for IHT purposes.

It is advisable to make a note of any such gifts and pass them on to the executors of your will. You can appoint a beneficiary, such as a spouse or child to be an executor as well as a professional such as a family solicitor or accountant.

If you die within the seven-year period, and the total gifts are less than £300,000, these will merely "mop up'' part of your tax-free allowance, so the beneficiaries have no further IHT to pay.

48. I don't have to worry about my pension, as this isn't subject to IHT

Well, strictly speaking there may be no immediate IHT problems, because pension funds are not subject to IHT. But this does not mean that you should ignore pensions altogether.

Most people nominate their spouse to pick up their pension should they die. While there is no IHT to pay at this point the funds will be taxable when your spouse dies and leaves the remainder to the next generation.

One solution is to ensure the pension is paid into a trust on your death, with the spouse being the main beneficiary.

The trustees can forward funds to the surviving spouse and also ensure that other beneficiaries, such as children can also benefit from these funds without paying IHT.

49. There is nothing I can do to reduce the IHT liability on my property

Simply handing the deeds of your house over to your son or daughter is not an effective means of escaping IHT. But there are steps you can take if it is simply the value of your family home that is pushing you into the IHT bracket but ensure you get independent legal and financial advice before proceeding with either options outlined below.

The easiest way to reduce the value of your home is to take out a debt secured against the property. For most people, this means some type of equity release scheme.

This can be a valuable tool in IHT planning, allowing you to reduce the value of your estate while at the same time releasing capital to supplement your pension.

This money can also be used to make lifetime gifts that will potentially be exempt of IHT. But it is worth remembering the debts will continue to accrue interest until you die.

As a result, it is possible your beneficiaries will receive less from the sale of the home, once the debt and interest are repaid, than they would have done had they simply paid the IHT bill.

The other option is to change the ownership of the property from "joint tenants'' to "tenants-in-common''.

This enables the spouse who dies first to leave their share of the property (up to the prevailing nil-rate band) into a trust, in which the children are likely to be the main beneficiaries. This enables the nil-rate band to be used twice. And finally….

50. An independent financial adviser will always pick the best deals on the market

In theory, IFAs are supposed to treat their clients like favourite aunts, selflessly choosing the very best investment strategy, regardless of how little they may earn for themselves.

In practice, all but the saintly few tend to bear their own financial interests very much in mind.

The regulations require IFAs to be able to prove that suggested solutions make sense for the individual in question, but they are not penalised for ignoring products like savings accounts or exchange traded funds (ETFs), that may be better for the client, but pay no commission.

Providers are allowed to pay pretty well as much commission as they choose, and it is no coincidence that the more they pay, the more products they are likely to sell.

Clients who pay fees to avoid commission bias, may find they are charged for a whole lot of extra services they neither want nor need.




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