
顯示從 2月, 2008 起發佈的文章

P.S. I love you

好耐都同佢睇過戲了,上次應該是01年(嘩...係七年前既事...) 仲記得係中六,成班同學同佢慶祝生日,去UA Shatin 睇 今日去左睇P.S. I love you 我覺得好好睇喔 內容大意: Holly Kennedy (Hilary Swank) is beautiful, smart, and married to the love of her life—a passionate, funny and impetuous Irishman named Gerry (Gerard Butler). So when Gerry’s life is taken by an illness, it takes the life out of Holly. The only one who can help her is the person who is no longer there. Nobody knows Holly better than Gerry. So it’s a good thing he planned ahead. Trailer from Apple: http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/psiloveyou/




除了媽媽, 好耐好耐都無人為我一個人而煮飯了... 好感動:'),而且仲好好味!!


1. 大同H: 有喜訊,替他高興 2. 中同H(預科時)的大同friend->宜家friend左既時: 幾時先到妳? 3. 我地想去買既野唔o岩季節噃... 4. 回程時見到中同HKC/CKW&LYL(初中/會考),知道CKW讀緊博士,由衷地登佢開心


我們要記住這一天。 ---------------------------- Between, today is the Independent Day of Kosovo.

Receive the Lin-cake from Tomson's mum

IMG_3485 Originally uploaded by uthmod


IMG_3464 Originally uploaded by uthmod Get the red-pocket from Tomson's mum


1. 等消息 2. 等利好消息 2月之曰:等! 另: +3% --> 滯脹實現...

Gift to Ava

Buy it in Festival walk for $2580 But buy online should only pay for 140 pouds(x HKD$15.5) = $2170 only A bit expensive in HK but when I see Ava love it, I got excited :)

Vivienne Westwood



http://hk.news.yahoo.com/071207/60/2kyse.html 愈有錢愈慳家 (星島) 12月 08日 星期六 06:30AM 股神巴菲特身家多至數不清,不過,他用的車只是Cadillac DTS。Cadillac DTS是美國    車,雖然是部大車,不過說不上豪華,更不是甚麼名牌,比平治、寶馬    尚比不上,更遑論勞斯萊斯或賓利了。香港一個中產階級(指的當然是你)所駕的汽車隨時貴過巴菲特! 巴菲特就係這樣慳家的了。 他住的豪宅又巨大成點?不,不巨大,他住在五十年前買下的白色大屋而已,當年的價錢只是三萬多美元    。真節儉。 巴菲特是世上著名慳家富豪。很多有錢人非常慳家,比一個打工仔節儉多了。香港有個富豪,以慳著名,他的員工上班去廁所時所用的廁紙都有規定,不可用多過限定格數!問你服未? 美國《福布斯》雜誌最近列出世上慳得最彪炳的富豪,香港那限廁紙富豪大概因為在外國不夠出名,所以沒有入選。除巴菲特慳得出色外,宜家傢俬創辦人Ingvar Kamprad家財萬貫,他開的車更舊、更廉宜—— 一部十五年車齡的富豪汽車!他不愛穿西裝,平日只在廉價餐館吃東西,是另一個著名慳錢富豪。 《福布斯》列出另一慳錢富豪是沃爾瑪創辦人幼子Jim C. Walton。他身家逾一千億港元,出入以十五年車齡的Dodge代步——而且只是部Dodge Dakota小貨車! 史丹福教授David Cheriton因在Google有股份而成富豪。他踩單車上學,所用的車是部福士和本田    。他只穿牛仔褲,不買貴西裝,自己為自己剪髮,更要命的是:他的茶包,用完會再用!即是番沖一包茶包! 為甚麼他們有這麼多錢,卻這麼慳?精采的答法是:正是因為這麼慳,他們才會這樣富有。更實在的答案是:節儉是性格,不關乎有錢與無錢。無論怎樣,這故事教訓我們:錢,其實不是那麼重要。


今日UAT, 唔係咁理想 因為有d趕同Not enough Preparation 不過Supervisor傍住都好d AM讚好好喎 咁我唯有話下次會可以再好d咁云云 下晏開Accounts-->12個steps,仲有CMS Citrix Test 晚上去了跟Bond, Mic Wong 同小隊長晚饍 本來Enjoy既 但在短短一句鐘的晚饍媽不停電,唔知佢仲咩咁長氣... 1. Grandma跌倒->打去問候佢 2. 話星期五去表哥家,星期六去飲新生堂妹的滿月酒 3. HGC Boardband的繳費通知 點解今日咁充實架... --------------------------------------------------- 下次去食飯前一定話你知,I promise.


開工利是,Total: $480 第一次收老闆既利是,多謝佢既$100大元! 雖然唔係好多, 不過對我黎講經已係 100 無限倍部增幅!


你,沙發,暖爐; 我,沙發,被褥. 半夜起身,03:25,Call機響,7度 GCR RRS interface error: support 到04:00


新年快樂! 希望來年有人工加 &身體健康


今日年廿八 但我最憎就係..掃地 so! 收工買左個吸塵機 好多年都無用過吸塵機啦 宜家d吸塵機好鬼有用,吸力又勁 最重要既係價錢只係$438!! [Kenwood VC5200] 收拾好之後睇電視 有.. 南方衛視TVS 仲有...Bloomberg .... HSI furture 15000+ 0.4% 忙於為資金找出路!? TVB? sorry.. 只係睇左一陣新聞...

I am alright

Fantastic from Will.i.am ;[ http://www.absolutelyrics.com/lyrics/view/will.i.am/fantastic/ [Chorus: Will.I.Am] I'm Alright, I'm Alright, I'm Alright, I'm Fantastic [x2] I'm Al... [Will.I.Am] Nine Years Of Lovin You, That's Now Flushed Down The Drain Six Years With A Bundle Of Joy, The Last Two Was The Pain Too Immature To Handle Love, We Was Just Playin Games You Used To Say I Was Your Everything, Now You Can't Say My Name I Never Thought That I Could Survive, Without You In My Life If You Was Wonderin About How I'm Doin, Baby I'm Doin Alright But It Don't Even Look Like You Would Cry, If I Was To Up And Die Die Tomorrow, Uh-Huh-Uhhh, But That's Alright Gi-Irrrl, Cause [Chorus] [Over Chorus: Will.I.Am] Don't Even Worry 'bout Me [x2] I'm Doin Good Now, Doin Super Baby Don't Even Worry 'bout Me, I'm Super Duper Baby I'm Doin Good Now, Yeah [Will.I.Am] Six Months And A Couple Of Weeks And Not One Call From You Girl Th...


不用流汗經已是鐘意冬天的最大理由啊~ 可以用暖爐 可以用手套去保暖 可以... 收工走到街上 下著毛毛細雨 吹起陣陣寒風 身體卻被很保曖的外套包裹著的時候 便會想起在旅行時的感覺 外冷內熱滿有幸福的感覺 恍惚自己經已身在德國的小鎮間 行人都露出寒冷的面孔 我卻露出享受的笑容... 有點變態... 0-0" 為了平衡心理, 加上剛巧遇上街上行丐的老婆婆 除下手套,從破錢包中拿出一張紙幣付給婆婆 希望佢可以在寒風下,早d"收工"回家煮一碗熱飯吃吧...

Access : Select table references.

http://www.classanytime.com/mis333k/sjdaoadorecordsets.html Find First Record (DAO)   rs.MoveFirst rs.FindFirst "pkPeopleID=2" If rs.NoMatch = True Then Debug.Print "Not found" Else Debug.Print "Found"; rs!pkPeopleID; rs!FirstName; rs!LastName End If Find First Record (ADO)   rs.MoveFirst rs.Find "pkPeopleID=2", , adSearchForward If rs.BOF Or rs.EOF Then Debug.Print "Not found" Else Debug.Print "Found"; rs!pkPeopleID; rs!FirstName; rs!LastName End If

Access Control : Sample Code illustrating looping through a DAO recordset

R ef: http://www.granite.ab.ca/access/email/recordsetloop.htm Sample Code illustrating looping through a DAO recordset This code is attached to a command button on a form. On the form are the fields txtProgress which displays various messages as well as lblStatus which displays a record count of the progress. Also see ACC97: How to Use a Recordset to Send Outlook E-Mail to Multiple Recipients - 318881    On Local Error GoTo Some_Err         Dim MyDB As Database, RS As Recordset     Dim strBody As String, lngCount As Long, lngRSCount As Long         DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord     Set MyDB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)         Me!txtProgress = Null    Set RS = MyDB.OpenRecordset _       ("Email - Outstanding Promos")      lngRSCount = RS.RecordCount ...