Access Control : Sample Code illustrating looping through a DAO recordset


Sample Code illustrating looping through a DAO recordset

This code is attached to a command button on a form. On the form are the fields txtProgress which displays various messages as well as lblStatus which displays a record count of the progress.

Also see ACC97: How to Use a Recordset to Send Outlook E-Mail to Multiple Recipients - 318881

   On Local Error GoTo Some_Err


    Dim MyDB As Database, RS As Recordset

    Dim strBody As String, lngCount As Long, lngRSCount As Long


    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord

    Set MyDB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)


    Me!txtProgress = Null

   Set RS = MyDB.OpenRecordset _

      ("Email - Outstanding Promos")

    lngRSCount = RS.RecordCount

    If lngRSCount = 0 Then

      MsgBox "No promo email messages to send.", vbInformation




      Do Until RS.EOF

        lngCount = lngCount + 1

        lblStatus.Caption = "Writing Message " & CStr(lngCount) _

          & " of " & CStr(lngRSCount) & "..."

        strTo = RS!cEmailAddress

        intMessageID = Year(Now) & Month(Now) & Day(Now) & Fix(Timer) & "_MabryMail"

        ' Send the email using some technique or other


        RS("cpeDateTimeEmailed") = Now()





    End If



    Set RS = Nothing

    Set MyDB = Nothing



    Me!txtProgress = "Sent " & CStr(lngRSCount) & " emails."

    lblStatus.Caption = "Email disconnected"

    MsgBox "Done sending Promo email. ", vbInformation, "Done"

    lblStatus.Caption = "Idle..."

    Exit Sub



    'MousePointer = 0

    MsgBox "Error (" & CStr(Err.Number) & ") " & Err.Description, _

        vbExclamation, "Error!"

    lblStatus.Caption = "Email disconnected"

For corrections or additional information email Tony Toews

[ Email | AccessMain ]

Thanks and regards,

Victor LEUNG


Office: 2300 6473

Pager: 7472 8296

Internet mail:


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