FW: Our Support to Sichuan

Dear Colleagues,

Our Support to Sichuan

The Sichuan Earthquake has called for pressing demand for rescue operations, and has aroused the enthusiasm and commitment of our staff members to help. The Hospital Authority (HA) is ready to support and help handle the casualties of the earthquake.

2. After discussing with the West China Hospital and the initial assessment made by the team led by Dr LIU Shao-haei, CM(IEC), HA is focused to provide our expertise and support in specific clinical services as requested by the Mainland, which will be worked in collaboration with West China Hospital. At the moment, expertise in orthopaedics and traumatology, infection control, intensive care, anaesthesiology and psychology have been requested. Another team comprising these specialists has already been organized and departed on 18 May 2008.

3. We understand that many staff members are eager to contribute and help. It is also essential to ensure the medical service provision in HA. We will keep in close touch with the mainland authorities to identify the medical assistance and expertise they needed. To facilitate prompt response, respective COCs in clinical specialties, nurses and allied health will help in identifying and developing a database of volunteers we can call on as and when needed.

4. If those who wish to participate have not been contacted by the respective COCs and are not already registered with an international relief organization, these interested staff may register on the HR central data base by sending us the name, contact details and post. The email addresses are:

Intranet address: havolunteer

Internet address: ha.volunteer AT ha.org.hk

5. The leave arrangement will be subject to the operational needs, and as approved by the respective COSs and CCEs.

6. May I take this opportunity to thank you for your professionalism and enthusiasm. May we also send our best wishes to the victims.

Dr PY Leung

Director (Quality & Safety)


  1. Dear Victor
    I just know that all ha staffs should register by themselves for volunteer on the Sichuan earthquake via this email address. However, it is your Blog. So, what should we do.

  2. Dear Maggie,

    Thanks for the comment.
    I think we can donate money to the charity, say the Red Cross Hong Kong or Red Cross China and monitor their actions to ensure these donation can be reached to thousands of rescuers.

    Money may be little but it does help. Please make the donation to the charity, continuously, and help the poors to get recovered ASAP.

    Best Regards,





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