Safe T21 好唔好?

睇左少少關於檢驗唐氏B 既方法, 當然愈新愈準, 亦到愈貴.

"OSCAR是目前普遍的唐氏綜合症篩查方法。孕婦在懷孕十一至十四周時進行,包括四項指數:孕婦年齡、超音波掃描量度胎兒頸皮厚度,及抽取血液檢妊娠性血漿蛋白-A(P r e g n a n c y A s s o c i a t e d P l a s m a Protein-A)和游離Beta人類絨毛膜促性腺激素 ( f r e e b e t a - h u m a n C h o r i o n i c Gonadotropin),再由電腦計算胎兒患有唐氏綜合症的機會率。"

但大家都比較少考慮到既反而係知道結果後要作出是否終止懷孕既決擇, 以及等候結果中孕婦和家人既心理變化.

"What is certain is that routine implementation of NIPT will require health care professional and patient education, with new strategies for pre- and posttest counselling in order to maintain ethically-sound levels of informed parental choice and to ensure that parents understand the implications and limitations of results and have personalised support and information for making decisions about the next steps."
Non-invasive prenatal testing for Down syndrome. Philip Twiss a, Melissa Hill. 2013.






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