如果可以知道住個區既係咩人就好啦... UK - Streetcheck

如題. 如果可以知道住個區既係咩人就好啦... 

孟母三遷都係為個仔女有好既成長環境, 雖然世界大同, 包容唔同人種係非常理想和美好.

可惜自左膠當道, 大愛包容唔再有市場,NGO就要慎選既世道, 

要在新地方居住, 展開第二人生了解並知道隔離鄰舍既背景變得非常重要了


What We Do

StreetCheck pulls together in-depth information about property and people across the United Kingdom. We show you everything you need to know about your area, whether you are looking to buy, rent or are just being nosy! Best of all, our service is completely free - just enter a postcode above to find your information.

1. 地區安全

我上次提到,若可親訪當地固然最好。否則可以參考 StreetCheck 等網站,了解一下每個 postcode 大概的居民工作類別、出生地等資料,再配以 Google Maps Street View 等看看街道環境,若附近屋宇整齊清潔,門前花園打理得宜,按常理推斷,多表示該區居民比較有條理。

資料來源: 石Sir 




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